PO Box 667 New Hope, PA 18938 215.862.5828

Welcome to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

Join us February 27-March 2, 2025, Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival at the Hampton Roads Convention Center!

Please join us as we celebrate the 36th annual Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival.

The Merchants Mall will feature everything for quilt, fiber, wearable & textile artists, and home sewers. In addition, MAQF will present the finest collection of quilt, garment, and fiber art exhibitions including quilt and wearable art prize money competitions. Rounding out the event will be workshops and lectures presented by leading instructors along with demonstrations throughout the Merchants Mall. 

QuiltLovers LowRes

The LARGEST QUILT FESTIVAL on the Eastern Seaboard


Pre-Registration, Workshops, and Competition Open October 10th!

MAQF 2025 Workshops Catalog


Founding Sponsor

Bernina Logo 8 26 16   A Differnet Touch Cleaned 

 Major Annual Sponsors

Brother  Tidewater Logo 2017             

  Major Sponsors 

Tidewater Logo 2017 BabyLock 1

Janome   Tidewater Logo 2017


PFAFLOGO   Sew N Place New Jan 2022


VikingRedSquareHiRes Sew N Place New Jan 2022 

 Bronze Sponsors

Grace Company Color  

Nolting web

Workshop Sponsor
HQ Logo   Tidewater Logo Color Hi Res

Special Exhibit Sponsor
Cherry Logo.2108

Special Vendor Sponsor
Fork Mtn Quilting

Quilt-O Sponsors
A heartfelt thank you to the following companies for generously providing prizes for Quilt-O!

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Screenshot 271 

Moose Hill Sharpening Cropped

CottonCandy Logo




Elemental Hues

Bazaart 16 LE upscale balanced

Sew Q Laser 01