PO Box 667 New Hope, PA 18938 215.862.5828

Pat Yamin - Traditional Quilting

Pat Yamin - Traditional Quilting
Pat Yamin
Brooklyn, NY

Innovative quilt artist Pat Yamin, president and founder of Come Quilt With Me, is well-known in the quilting industry. For more than 40 years, Pat has been writing quilt patterns, manufacturing templates, making quilts, judging, leading seminars, writing quilt books, and teaching. Pat's love for old textiles and traditional patterns is a driving force behind her creativity. Her company manufactures templates and other tools that ensure accuracy and shorten the time necessary to make a quilt. Her books include Look What I SeeBack to Basics: Quilt Templates and Patterns Explained, One-Patch Scrap Quilts, Two Patch Scrap Quilts, Simple Super One Patch QuiltsHappy Quilter Word Search, and Hexagons, Diamonds, Triangles and Quilts! And, her latest is Patchwork Blocks Word Search. You can reach her at Pat@comequiltwithme.com.

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