PO Box 667 New Hope, PA 18938 215.862.5828

Dawn Heefner - Certified Quilt Appraiser

Dawn Heefner - Certified Quilt Appraiser
Dawn Heefner
Wayne, PA

Dawn Heefner, who is based outside of Philadelphia, has been a certified quilt appraiser since 2003. She has made and studied quilts since 1987 across the U.S., and in France, the U.K., and India. She is co-author of several quilt history books and is involved with the American Quilt Study Group and SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates).

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ID NumberDescription  
Dawn Heefner: Appraisals (Thurs-Fri, 4/18-4/19/24, 10am-12pm & 1-5pm)